Testing sites and utilities

We often need tools to fine tune a website to make sure its performing at its best, below are a few mostly free tools I use on a regular basis to help in that goal.

GT Mertrix (Speed test)

GTmetrix is a simple tool that will give you different performance metrics related to website speed, which you can analyze and use to optimize your site’s performance.

It has different options to test your site’s speed in different browsers, varied network speeds, and in multiple locations. Gtmetrix is powered by Lighthouse, Google’s automated tool that helps in improving site performance.

Page Explorer (on-site SEO)

We all work hard to build great websites and designs, however we often forget small elements that can help your page rank well within search engines. A quick and FREE easy to use tool that analyzes a page at a time.

This page explorer breaks down the complexities of the html and content of your web page It will report on images, alt tags, nofollow links and give you recommendation on how to improve your score.

Cloudinary (Image compression)

Optimizing images can significantly improve Web page load time, resulting in improved user retention and satisfaction. This tool provides measurable and actionable information about how to go beyond simple compression: discover how changes to image size, format selection, quality and encoding can dramatically improve page load speed.

W3C Validation Service

This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc. If you wish to validate specific content such as RSS/Atom feeds or CSS stylesheets, MobileOK content, or to find broken links, there are other validators and tools available.

Google Mobile test

You use frameworks such as bootstrap and code up everything correctly however once in a while google spot something you may have missed. Always worth while poping your url in to confirm everything is ok on a nobile.

Google Rich test

Does your page contain schema? This is one of many that will check if your syntax is correct. I have picked the google one as if google say its good to go then chances are they will pick it up correctly.

AI detection on text

Need to check if some text has been AI or human written? This tool gives you a percentage score on the likelihood of Google considering it spam.

Content Layout Shift Check

Easily identify problematic layout shifts in the viewport on mobile and desktop. Available as a simple command line tool, or as an online tool.

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